The Origin of 420

As it pertains to cannabis culture, few numbers hold as much significance as 420. It's more than just a time of day; it's a symbol, a rallying cry, and a shared moment of celebration for enthusiasts worldwide. But how did this iconic number come into the pothead vocab?

The Legend of the Waldos: The story begins in the early 1970s at San Rafael High School in California, where a group of friends known as the Waldos would meet up after school to enjoy our favorite flower. The designated meeting time? 4:20 PM. The Waldos used the time as a code to let one another know they had some sweet smokes to share. 420 became their own code.

The Waldos

The pioneers of 420 - named for their chosen 420 meeting place - a backwall of the high school.

Grateful Dead Connection: Another piece of the 420 puzzle lies with the Grateful Dead, the legendary psychedelic rock band whose influence permeated the cannabis culture of the era. One of the Waldos, was a roadie for the Grateful Dead and was said to have shared the 420 code with the bassist of the band. This lead to the "Deadheads" adopting 420 as a time to partake in their favorite herb during Grateful Dead concerts and beyond.

Cultural Spread and Evolution: As the decades passed, 420 continued to evolve, weaving its way into the fabric of cannabis culture worldwide. From underground gatherings to mainstream media references, the number retained its mystique while simultaneously becoming more widely recognized. Today, April 20th (4/20) serves as an international day of celebration for cannabis enthusiasts, with events, festivals, and gatherings held around the globe.

Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions: Over the years, numerous myths and misconceptions have emerged regarding the origins of 420. Some claim it's police code for cannabis-related offenses, while others attribute it to the chemical composition of cannabis. However, historical evidence points firmly to the tale of the Waldos and their after-school adventures in San Rafael.

In the ever-evolving landscape of cannabis culture, 420 stands as a timeless symbol of camaraderie, rebellion, and celebration. Its origins may lie in the antics of a group of high school students, but its impact has reverberated far beyond those humble beginnings. As we light up and raise a toast to 420, let's remember the spirit of adventure and community that brought this iconic number into being.


  1. "The Waldos" – The San Francisco Chronicle

  2. "The Origins of 420" – Huffington Post

  3. "420: How April 20 Became a Day for Weed" – Time Magazine

  4. "Dispelling Myths Surrounding 420" – Leafly


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