Bremerton Loyalty Program
Sign up today for incredible savings.
Enroll in our loyalty program and earn points for every dollar spent! Redeem points for rewards and exclusive discounts. Sign up now to start earning!
6/20 Deal: Every 6th visit, receive 20% off 1 item!
Save your product interests in your custom wallet! We’ll notify you whenever there are deals on those items.
Existing members, you’re already enrolled so come on in and save!
Even More Benefits
Earn points and discounts.
100 points: 5% off your entire purchase
250 points: 15% off your entire purchase
500 points: 25% off your entire purchase
1000 points: 30% off your entire purchase
Join now and start earning points towards discounts! Earn one point for every dollar spent.
Your Loyalty Account
Save your interest in your online wallet
Access via text or in-store with a bud tender
You'll be notified when deals are available in those categories!
Everyday Low Prices
1g Pre rolls starting at $3
1g Flower starting at $5
3.5g Flower starting at $15
100mg Edibles starting at $15
1g Cartridges starting at $30